Global branding
Read how we help use creativity and design to this giant.
The challenge
The Gate were tasked to brand and reposition SSE as they moved to being an exclusively B2B brand. Our research showed this meant delivering business’s day-to-day energy needs, and being a leader in the move to a zero-carbon economy.
Our strategic solution
SSE are for today and tomorrow.
Which we delivered through
A mature, trustworthy, ‘dual brand’ system, reflecting the two-sided proposition. This was brought to life across three new websites, a leadership conference, campaigns to three Governments, internal comms, social, and endless B2B activity.

Resulting in
- Share price 35%+ in year following launch
- Recognised as suitable partner for COP26
- Seen as fit to be jointly awarded contract for World’s largest offshore wind farm
The Gate had a strong strategic understanding…and imaginative yet practical creative approach that will endure
Alan Young then MD of Corporate Affairs SSE